About Lindström Fastigheter

Fasad Sten Sture 9
  • Lindström Fastigheter AB
    Skolallén 15 B
    261 32 Landskrona
  • Corporatenumber: 556295-6531
  • Bankgironumber: 447-3708
  • Address: Skolallén 15 B, Landskrona
  • Office hours:
  • Weekdays: 08.00 – 12.00
    Other times by appointment.
  • Phone: +46 418 44 83 99
  • Error reporting: +46 418 44 83 99
  • Call (in emergency situations):
    +46 418 40 28 80 (out of officehours)
  • Email: info(at)lindstromfastigheter.se

Lindström Fastigheter AB is a local property owner who has owned and managed properties with high quality and satisfied tenants in Landskrona since 1983. We are currently among the largest private real estate companies in Landskrona with 18 properties, of which 14 are situated in Landskrona and a total of about 224 apartments.

We offer rental apartments, retail and office space in central Landskrona and commercial premises in Lund, Bjärred and Södra Sandby.

Our work is characterized by a focus on the environment, society and technology. This means that in collaboration with our suppliers, the municipality and other property owners are trying to create an attractive environment for you as a tenant under ecologically sustainable conditions and using modern technology.